Saturday, May 12

Conversational Topic #8 - "A break from your scheduled programming..."

Having recently (Or maybe not so) restarted school, assignments are flying in all over. It's time for the Major Project, and my assigned project, the Automated Medicine Dispensing Machine II, (read:WTB>1xSolution PST) and between scrounging up scraps designing the thing, and playing de facto leader of a 3-man team, time for proper, old-school thinking is scarce. Therefore, this week's is brought to you by a stupid-acting blogger, and fatigue.

--Ripped from

5 things you didn’t know about me:

1. I'm a sugar addict.
Yup. I eat sugary treats in astronomical quantities, and consume sweet drinks with near-impunity. Hinting at this tidbit of information is the fact I usually have candy on my person, and gets jumpy when I don't.

2. I may forget a face or name, but not a conversation.
My memory is woefully poor (Common knowledge), but I tend to remember conversations wholesale, whether on phone, typed, or old-school vocal. I usually surprise people by bringing up snippets of conversation they had once. (Verified on MSN Messenger with chat logs)

3. Plush toys are not only for girls or children, you know...
Since young, I get easily distracted by plushies. Till today, a majority are displayed on a shelf in my room. It's not that much of being a sissy if I think they look cute... Right?

4. I don't trust any one with a "M.B." Postfix on their name.
I dislike doctors. I distrust doctors. I get borderline paranoia when doctors are involved.
It does not help when 5 of them in life have not identified that grey patch near my lungs. Nor does it help when the medical orderly broke the syringe when taking a blood test. Not good was the time I got slight Bronchitis due to a mis-diagnosis.

5. I actually try to be sociable.
I said TRY, right? I like having lots of people to talk to. However, I tend to shy away from new people, so it's a pretty stupid way of getting things done in any way.

So that's it, expect more of this kind of posts throughout the MP period.

By The Dolphin

"We do it in the dark, with smiles on our faces.
We're dropped and well-concealed in secret places.
We don't fight fair.
With smiles on our faces.
We're dropped and well-concealed in secret places.
We don't fight fair."

Fall Out Boy-Infinity On High-The Take Over, The Break's Over