Saturday, January 20

Pixel Monster

A noun used to describe an excessively pixellated image of an object that renders it unrecognisable. This effect often occurs from an image recording device of unsuitable quality, or user error.

1) That webcam is bad, it makes me look like a pixel monster.
2) Bill is bad at photography, all his subjects turn into pixel monsters.

This snappy phrase was formed in conjunction with Anxtraphyl/Derrick over at Thermonuclear Exchange. Lacking a suitable phrase, he asked if my webcam "Would make him look like a pixel monster". Ever since, this phrase has gained currency as an inside joke among friends, poking fun at grainy images.

The above definition was originally submitted to, but was rejected on the basis of insufficient popularity and utility of the word. (I think, but I feel the word is uproariously funny.)

This resulted in an image crafted by both co-creaters of the term this afternoon.

An obvious spoof of the Gameboy game Pocket Monsters(Pokémon), we based this off a famous glitch of the game, where the monster involved resembles what we felt was the epitome of pixel monsters.

Pokémon and Gameboy are trademarks of Nintendo, please don't sue us, we're poor enough as it is. (Missingno isn't copyrighted, it's a glitch!)

By The Dolphin

"I spent my high school career, spit on and shoved to agree,
so I could watch all my heroes sell a car on TV.
We've got the obvious scene, we'll show 'em what we all mean."

My Chemical Romance-The Black Parade-Disenchanted


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